About Call My Booking

Our company name is Magic and Circus Booking.com. We provide ultimate platform for booking extraordinary entertainment for your events. Built by a team of world-class software engineers with decades of experience, our platform is a testament to innovation and expertise. Our team, with backgrounds at some of the most renowned tech giants, has come together to create the most exceptional event booking experience on the market. Let us help you make your events unforgettable!

They began in 2014, initially, as an event app solution and quickly evolved into a high-performance platform.

The Vision

Magic and Circus Booking.com started off as an app-builder until 2018 and 2019 is when the demand for an app versus a builder, increased. Brands needed an app itself and not the whole app-builder since managing the whole app needs committed resources and ongoing maintenance

Call My Booking aims to democratize high-end tech for everyone – meaning? The technology could be accessible to all.

The team extended the platform to end-to-end event management in 2017. This meant the platform included additional features to balance in-person needs for events. Additions such as registrations, event marketing & onsite check-in, all translated onto the platform for easy access and seamless event automation. 2020 was when the Call My Booking platform accelerated after the dependency on virtual or hybrid events grew tremendously.

Why Choose Call My Booking?

Call My Booking uses all the components lacking on other SaaS platforms to deliver optimal performance, sophisticated features, and live-stream video quality – if you compare to the competition, they have the most extended history of experience and technological advancement within this space.

Call My Booking aims to democratize high-end tech for everyone – meaning? The technology could be accessible to all.

Today Call My Booking remains the most reliable, secure, advanced technology while providing exceptional customer support before, after, and during your event. There’s a consideration for every step of the traditional event lifecycle, enhanced it, and created availability for virtual events never like before.